Schedule/Purchase | Training Formats | Price | Duration | Course Materials | Language |
Live Virtual Class | 12000 INR | Full Week | English | English |
Forms 10g . Introduction and Role in Oracle APPS . Fundamentals of D2K Types of Blocks . Creation of blocks Through wizard and Manually . Creation of Master-Detail Data Blocks Canvases . Creation of Different Types of Canvases and Working with Canvases Windows . Types of windows and working with windows and changing windows properties Triggers in Forms . Different types of Triggers . Working with Triggers and Applying to Different Controls Alerts . Creation of alerts and Calling of Alerts Changing Properties at runtime and Re-using Alerts Editors Creation of Editors, Types of Editors and Calling editors through Code Creation of Object Groups . Creating and Using Object Groups . Creating and Using Object Libraries Using Image Items . Storing and Retrieving Images . Working With Image Items Record Groups . Creation of Record Groups Based On Query and Using Static Values Lovs . Creation of Lov through wizard and Manually . Working with Lov Properties Menus . Creation of Menus, popup Menus and attaching menus to Forms Program Units . Working with Procedures, Functions and Packages in Forms PL/SQL Libraries . Usage of PL/SQL Libraries in Forms and Attached Libraries . Using Database Objects and Creating Database objects through forms. Reports 10g . Introduction . Fundamentals of Reports . Advantages, Features and role of Reports in D2K Creation of Reports using Wizards . Creation of Different types of Reports . Creation of Reports Manually . Creation of Reports with different Parameters . User Parameters . System Parameters . Manual Reports . Creation of Reports through Data Model SQL Query . Working with Formula Columns . Working with Summary Columns . Working with Place Holder Columns . Working with Data links . Working with Cross Products . Creating Report With Parameters Reports in Triggers . Before Parameter Form . After Parameter Form . Before Report . Between Pages . After Report Creation of Templates . Creation of Layout in Reports . Drill Down Reports . Calling Reports from Forms . Calling Reports from Reports